AOUIE – acoustic solo for clarinets & room
since 2015

* Susanna Gartmayer – bass & contra alto clarinet
Video (YouTube Link):
* I (from AOUIE) Susanna Gartmayer live @ Künstlerhaus Graz
* Susanna Gartmayer – Live at Unlimited #29, Schlachthof, Wels, Austria, 2015-11-06 – Part03
* …Dass man es bei AOUIE – Bass Clarinet Solos mit einer Soloplatte zu tun hat, vergisst man schnell: Abwechslung, Kontraste, Drastik, luftige Soundsüprünge sorgen dafür, dass kein Solpsismus -Elend auftaucht. (Diedrich Diedrichsen – Spex – D)
* …Gartmayer explores every nuance of her pipe, focusing as much on the pitter-pattering muddy ducks and pinball paddling of gasping valves and cored granadilla as the warbling tones exuded by the circular puff of her peers. (metropolis – single cream – UK)
* …Augenzwinkernder Quantensprung des Glücks zwischen den Stühlen. Danach sind alle Türen offen. (hhv_mag – D)
* …Ein Meisterinnenstück im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes. (Skug – A)
discography: AOUIE (2015) ➤
since 2007

* Susanna Gartmayer – bcl, comp
* Thomas Berghammer – trumpet, comp
* Didi Kern – drums, comp
Video (YouTube Link):
KGB – Live at Rodlbudl, Ottensheim, Austria, 2020-06-20
Website: –
GBK plays engaging music for the body and especially the dancing legs- and the adventurous soul.. (Salt Peanuts, Eyal Hareuveni, 2023)
discography: Fulufulu Paupepa Paupapa (2023) ➤
So Sner
since 2022

* Susanna Gartmayer – bass clarinet
* Stefan Schneider – electronics
Video (YouTube Link):
So Sner @ !nterpenetration 2.2.2
A breathy sensual physical experience, So Sner delivers a wonderful series of sounds with “Reime”. When the whole of the album comes into full bloom it gains a degree of majesty about it one that feels doubly refreshing.“ beachsloth 2022
„Toll, dass eine so tief experimentelle und freie Musik so konkret körperlich und doch entspannt und krampflos daherkommen kann. (groove 2022)
discography: The Well (2024) ➤
discography: Reime (2022) ➤
since 2010

* Elise Mory – keyboards
* Tamara Wilhelm – diy electronics
* Susanna Gartmayer – bass clarinet
Video (YouTube Link!):
* …musikalischer Humor und Gegenwartsdiagnose… (Diedrich Diederichsen, Spex).
* …Einen tiefen Knicks vor diesem grandiosen Album (skug).
* …Möström’s debut album is an endless journey of inspiration. (THE QUIETUS)
* …die drei machen was ganz anderes. Immer aber etwas wirklich tolles! (Westzeit)
* …macht die hier Anwesenden schallend lachen, vor lauter Freude über so viel Ungezogenheit und offenherzige Versuchsanordnung. (Stephan Wolf von AMUSIO)
* …a delicious, gunky sandwich of sensory experience and colliding flavour contrasts, full to bursting with the fruits of intrepid handiwork. (ATTN)
* …‘We Speak Whale’ is barking mad; laugh out loud even. (blackaudio )
discography: we speak whale (2015) ➤
the klingt collective
since 2022

* Martin Brandlmayr – drums
* Angélica Castelló – paetzold, tapes
* dieb13 – turntables, video
* Klaus Filip – sinewaves
* Susanna Gartmayer – bass clarinet
* Arnold Haberl (aka noid)- cello
* Billy Roisz – bass, electronics
* Martin Siewert – electric guitar, electronics
* Oliver Stotz – electric guitar, electronics
While the music is improvised, it’s a very conversant setting for each of the musicians who worked together in various projects since many years.
discography: variable densities (2025) ➤
Monday Improvisers Session
since 2015

* Weekly Impro session at Celeste Vienna – organized together with Thomas Berghammer & Didi Kern
Website (Facebook Link):
Monday-Improvisers-Session auf Facebook
Vegetable Orchestra
since 1998

* Jürgen Berlakovich – amplified vegetable instruments
* Verena Fuchs – amplified vegetable instruments
* Susanna Gartmayer – amplified vegetable instruments
* Barbara Kaiser – amplified vegetable instruments
* Matthias Meinharter – amplified vegetable instruments ——>
* Jörg Piringer – amplified vegetable instruments
* Ingrid Schlögl – amplified vegetable instruments
* Ulrich Troyer – amplified vegetable instruments
* Stefan Vogelsinger – amplified vegetable instruments
* Martina Winkler – amplified vegetable instruments
* Sound: Christina Bauer, Lutz Nerger
YouTube Link:
back on stage 2021 – happy 2021!
* The band has founded a new form of culinary art, and they are worth every vegetable pun thrown their way. (ACL 2018 ~ The Happiest Music of the Year)
* Man könnte das ganze nun als interessant einstufen und den selbstironischen Humor anerkennen – wäre da nicht die Qualität der Musik und der warme, ungewohnte Sound des Ganzen, die auch unabhängig vom Material einen höchst kurzweiligen Hörgenuss garantieren. (african paper 2028)
discography: Green Album (2018) ➤
discography: Onionoise (2010) ➤
Bandcamp Link: The Vegetable Orchestra (all records)
McPhee/ Gartmayer/ Edwards/ Portugal
since 2023

* Joe McPhee – saxophone, voice
* Susanna Gartmayer – bass clarinet, composition
* John Edwards – double bass
* Maria Portugal – drums
Video (YouTube Link):
Alter Schlachthof, Wels, Austria, 2023-11-10
An all-star aggregation …. the quartet transcended all boundaries of race, gender and nationality as it worked through a carefully modulated take on Free Music. (Jazzword 2023)
Coming soon!
since 2020

* Alex Kranabetter / Thomas Berghammer – trumpet
* Viola Falb / Jakob Gnigler – saxophone
* Mona Matbou-Riahi / Susanna Gartmayer – clarinets
Video (YouTube Link!):
Aljamosuthovi @ Blue Tomato Jazz
Coming soon!
Christof Kurzmann, Susanna Gartmayer
since 2018

* Christof Kurzmann – electronics
* Susanna Gartmayer – bass clarinet
Video (YouTube Link):
Gartmayer & Kurzmann – Live at Alter Bauhof, Ottensheim, Austria, 2020-10-10
‚Smaller Sad‚ is an enchanting album full of twists and turns. Each track offers up a kaleidoscope of sound and texture. (Vital Weekly 1257.)
discography: Smaller Sad (2020) ➤
since 2009

* Katharina Klement – piano, clavichord, electronics
* Susanna Gartmayer – bass + contra alto clarinet
Video (Youtube Link):
LUPE @ Alte Schmiede 2024
since 2012

* Brigitta Bödenauer – electronics
* Susanna Gartmayer – contra alto clarinet
Video (YouTube Link!):
BLACK BURST SOUND GENERATOR @ Festiwal Muzykofilia. Edycja V: de architectura, 11.09.2021
BBSG has developed a minimalist, precise, and often ritualistic interplay but this interplay is also highly surprisingly colorful and totally unpredictable. Bödenauer and Gartmayer incorporate multi-idiomatic elements – electronica, IDM, ambient, and drone, but in every piece, BBSG succeeds to stretch their aesthetics furthermore and expand its vocabulary. (freejazzblog 2021)
discography: Black Burst Sound Generator (2020) ➤
since 2020

* Mark Holub – compositions & drums
* Irene Kepl – violin
* Clemens Sainitzer – cello
* Jakob Gnigler – tenor saxophone
* Susanna Gartmayer – bass clarinet
Video (YouTube Link):
Anthropods @ !nterpenetration 2.1.6
The result is a richly eclectic set of enjoyable and unclassifiable music celebrating the joy of collectivity. (Jazzwise.)
discography: Abundant Shores (2024) ➤
discography: ANTHROPODS (2022) ➤
SUGAR 6ttt
since 2023

* Susanna Gartmayer – bass clarinet, composition
* Jake Mann – clarinet
* John Edwards – double bass
* Vinicius Cajado – double bass
* Kenji Herbert – electric guitar
* Maria Portugal – drums
Video (YouTube Link):
Sugar 6ttt – Artacts 23, Austria, 2023-03-03
Gartmayer komponierte ein großes Stück, schöpft aus dem Vollen, gewährt Freiräume und gibt einen Rahmen, intensiv und variantenreich. (Tiroler Tageszeitung 2023)
Coming soon!
when yuppies go to hell
since 2004

* Felix Linhart – guitar
* Timon Thalwitzer – drums
* Susanna Gartmayer – bass clarinet
Facebook Link: WHEN YUPPIES GO TO HELL @Facebook
Pressezitat: –
inactive projects
since 2009

* Maja Osojnik – voice, bass flute, electronics, toys
* Susanna Gartmayer – bass-, contra alto clarinet
* Raumschiff Engelmayr – guitar, voice
* derhunt – bass, voice
* ddkern – drums, toys
Video (YouTube Link!):
Broken Heart Collector – Live at Rodlbudl, Ottensheim, Austria, 2015-07-03
Auch hier prallen viele Genres aufeinander und verschmelzen zu einem reifen Klangkörper der voller Trauer in leisen Momenten, voller Wut in lauten Momenten, aber in jedem Moment authentisch schockiert. (Daniel Pabst)
2006 – 2009

* Iris Kübler – accordeon
* Susanna Gartmayer – alto saxophone, bass clarinet
Website: –
Pressezitat: –
2004 – 2006

* Iris Kübler – accordeon
* Susanna Gartmayer – alto saxophone, bass clarinet
* Uli Piringer – violin, viola
Website: –
Pressezitat: –
discography: Goarilla Srilla ➤